Natalia Shamray


Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Scopus


Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics


Kochetova Yu.A., Shamray N.B. Optimization of the ambulance fleet location and relocation // Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 2021, 15(2), P. 234–252.

Under consideration is the problem of optimal location of the ambulance fleet at the base stations. The objective is to minimize the average waiting time for ambulance arrival. We elaborate a simulation model that describes a workday of the emergency medical service (EMS). This model takes into account the stochastic nature of the problem and the changes of road network loading. To solve the problem, we develop an algorithm of genetic local search with the four types of neighborhoods. The simulation model in this algorithm is used to compute the value of the objective function. We study the influence of neighborhoods on the accuracy of the obtained solution. Computer simulation is performed on the example of the EMS of Vladivostok city. We show that it is possible to reduce the average waiting time by 1.5 times. The estimates are obtained of the impact of traffic congestion on the average waiting time.
