O. Abramov



Reliability: Theory & Applications

Vol. 12, No 4(47)

Abramov O., B. Dimitrov RELIABILITY DESIGN IN GRADUAL FAILURES: A FUNCTIONAL-PARAMETRIC APPROACH // Reliability: Theory & Applications. 2017.-Vol. 12. № 4(47)ю Pp. 39=48. DOI: 10.24411/1932.2321-2017-14004

This conceptual paper discusses the main provisions of the functional-parametrical (FP) approach in reliability studies. The FP itself is a detailed frame algorithm suggested for use in design of new and unique technical items. The article also presents possibilities and perspectives of using FP approach in problems for “building in” reliability in analogy to these for technical devices and systems. It is pointed out that for solving problems of analysis and ensuring of desired reliability it is appropriate to use parallel and distributed processing techniques. We discuss the idea of constructing efficient parallel algorithms for multivariate statistical analysis necessary to calculate estimates of the probability for failure-free operation with different nominal values of internal parameters. More use of parallel algorithms, including in continuous media via discretization are discussed


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